Hi Santiago,
To define which GCode Axis (XYZA) corresponds to which KFLOP Axis Channel, use the DefineCoordSystem(). Normal mapping would be:
It is important to understand that the KFLOP Step/Dir Generators are basically wired to fixed pins. Step/Dir Generator #0 Step is wired to JP7 pin 15 and Dir is wired to JP7 pin 16. You need to tell us the input specifications for your drives. Most Drives have +5V opto couplers. If that is the case wire the + signals to KFLOP +5V (ie JP7 pin 24). And the - signals to the appropriate pins. Caution: if your Drives are not +5V Optos do not wire like this or you may damage your drive or KFLOP.
You must the tell each Axis channel which Step/Dir Generator to use. So for KFLOP Axis #0 set the OutputChan to #0. (this will have Step/Dir Generator #0 drive in open collector mode for +5V optos)